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a life



A genius IQ left Avery Lansdown with little to say to most people.

When his daughter, Hannah, comes along Avery finds himself a single father to a daughter who is a reflection of himself and does not speak a word until she is four-years-old. Avery feels it is because she has nothing of consequence to say.


That changes when, at nineteen, at the prodding of a friend, Hannah publishes a well-received collection poems. But the world has proven to be different than Hannah thought, causing her to question everything, and a year later -- she disappears.

"I will never hear the mournful sound of a train whistle quite the same  way again."

                                                             Goodreads Reader


Goodreads Reader

This book is one that stays with you. It leads you through a family that struggles to maintain when so much could tear it apart.

You become deeply involved with each character as you discover each carries a burden of  sadness or, of being so different they struggle to fit into the world. 

Lindsay, GoodReads Reader

A Life Undone, is a book that I never knew that I needed.


When I opened the first page I settled down preparing to go on an exciting adventure. Instead I followed Avery and Hannah Lansdown as they live their lives, with silence saying everything and anything, both pure human beings who are contained in a world that doesn't understand them.


A Life Undone is a beautifully written story that grips you tight, thus making you to not want to put it down.


This novella is a perfect read that at the end leaves you seeing the world with not just your eyes, but with your soul. To quote Melissa Volker, "to view the world through the eyes of a poet and a dreamer."

Laura Stone, Admin. Director of

Straw Dog Writer's Guild

To be carried away into Avery's world so warm and quietly inviting was such a gift for an introvert like me.


Hannah's poetic and insightful depth was refreshing for a teen character, and so endearing I long to know more, and hope there is another book with Hannah.


I wholeheartedly recommend this book, making any introvert, deep thinker or insightful outcast teen, or grown up feel welcomed and understood

© 2016 Melissa Volker

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